Whether you know it or not your children are under attack by a vicious enemy. Due to the constant "noise" of thousands of voices distracting us each day, deceptive agendas regularly slide under the radar as truth, and we therefore fail to recognize the most severe threats facing our families.
Divorce and single motherhood have become commonplace due to the spurning of the marriage covenant. Abortion is deemed "essential" to reducing the world's population growth, and childhood disease and psychological disorders are on a staggering skyward trajectory. The acceleration of these alarming threats is not coincidental-they are the result of an orchestrated, all-out spiritual onslaught against this generation.
The New Creation Mother was written as a standard against this orchestrated attack of darkness. It was meticulously designed to help mothers like you learn to not only resist the enemy of our souls, but advance and take back crucial ground. We must begin to bring Heaven down to Earth. This is only possible by understanding our identities in Christ and learning to wield the immensely powerful tools and weapons in our hands.